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How to protect against Type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and obesity

How we swamp our system with starch and sugars

(Avoiding diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity and damage to your blood vessels)

Glucose is a specific type of sugar that is common in animals and plants. It’s what your brain needs for energy, and your muscles use it too.

For your brain to work properly, you need to have a precise amount of glucose in your blood – approximately one teaspoon in total, which is really very little. After you eat or drink, a sophisticated process stops your glucose level rising too high. Excess glucose is taken into storage in your muscles or turned into fat. This is controlled by a protein called insulin.

The modern diet can swamp this process. A single can of fizzy drink often contains five teaspoons of glucose – that’s five times the amount there should be in your blood. People these days also tend to eat a lot of refined, starchy foods such as bread, potatoes and biscuits. Starch is simply long chains of glucose, so these foods can release more glucose than your body can cope with at one time.

High levels of blood glucose cause harm over time

Over the course of many years, high levels of glucose in your blood can damage the lining of fine blood vessels – especially those in your eyes and kidneys, potentially leading to visual loss or kidney failure. Most of the glucose will be turned into body fat, and too much fat is associated with a whole range of serious diseases.

Fat stored around internal organs such as your liver can be particularly harmful. Too much of this can lead to problems with insulin, and that means glucose levels in the blood get out of control. At worst, this can turn into diabetes, where insulin production virtually stops. This is a dangerous condition.

Diabetes is on the rise

The number of people suffering from this form of diabetes has been increasing dramatically over recent decades. Well over two million people in the UK now have it, although many are not of aware of this. It used to be rare in children, but it is becoming increasingly common. This rise must be due to the changes in Western diet and lifestyle.

It is likely that the high levels of sugar we consume have played a part. The sort of sugar we buy – and which is added by manufacturers to cooked and processed foods and drinks – is made not just of glucose, but also of a second type of sugar, fructose.

Fructose is not handled well by your body, and tends to turn into fat stored around your internal organs – the dangerous type of fat. Sugar is added to an amazing range of food, savoury as well as sweet. A single can of fizzy drink may contain 5 teaspoons of fructose as well as the 5 of glucose.

Some of the things you can do

Be aware of the amount of sugar you are eating and drinking, and cut back where you can.

Watch your waistline. A growing waistline may mean you are storing dangerous fat around your internal organs. See our body check page for details.

Instead of starchy foods such as bread and potatoes, substitute some that release glucose more slowly, such as beans, barley, oats and lightly cooked pasta.

Keep physically active, as this helps the insulin system work more efficiently.

What the book covers

There is a lot more to this important subject than we’ve been able to summarise here. The book explains

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Selected references for the book


Incidence & overview

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Review Article. Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic.

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Glucose metabolism

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Systematic Review: Glucose Control and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes.

Ann Intern Med 2009;151:394-403

Hazards of fructose

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Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans.

J Clin Invest. 2009;119:1322–1334

Bray GA

Fructose: pure, white, and deadly? Fructose, by any other name, is a health hazard.

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Importance of Glycogen

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Insulin metabolism and Type 2 diabetes

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Hyperglycaemia damage

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Insulin resistance

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Increasing pre-diabetes in US

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Complications of diabetes

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Treatment of diabetes

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Dairy produce and diabetes

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Whole grain and diabetes

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Sugar intake

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Sugar and Cardiovascular Disease

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How to Live to 110: Longevity, living longer and the steps to take for a healthy old age