How to Live to 110, a guide for all ages on how to stay healthy and live a long life.

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How to protect against dementia

How we lose our minds

(Avoiding Alzheimer's disease, other dementias, depression and stress)

In the later years of life, our mental powers naturally decline somewhat, though this is generally not serious. Indeed, some verbal and other skills can improve with age.

Dementia is more than this decline. People with dementia have lost a significant number of nerve cells. The initial effects of this may seem to be no more than the normal impairment of memory, and this can make early diagnosis difficult.

Over time, though, social interaction becomes difficult. Memory for recent events becomes so poor that everyday activities become impossible. Withdrawal – and problems with speech and personal care – can add to social isolation.

There’s no truly effective treatment, although medicines are under development. These seem to be effective in stemming the earliest symptoms but are less effective when the dementia gets to its later stages.

However, there are steps you can take to reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia.

Some of the things you can do

Regular physical activity, especially during your middle life, can half your risk of getting dementia.

Maintaining a lively mind and continuing manual and mental skills into older life are also effective, helped by having an active social life.

If you become depressed, seek help. Depressive illness can increase your risk of dementia later in life.

Avoid head injuries.

What the book covers

The book explains

Depression and stress are serious conditions that can sometimes lead to life-threatening situations.

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Selected references for the book




How to Live to 110: Longevity, living longer and the steps to take for a healthy old age